Monday, April 28, 2008

Nearly one year has passed. . .

Nearly one year has passed since I graduated from a four-year-university with a BA Degree in Digital Media. While I have not obtained a permanent, hourly-paid position yet, I have completed four internships as a Graphic Designer (two of which involved web design, one involving a paid freelance project), and I am now working on two more internships as an assisting programmer -- one which also involves graphic and web design. I am also about to begin a paid web design project while continuously inquiring about a part-time position as a Photographer/Graphic Designer/Web Developer that I was interviewed for. I am so unbelievably happy considering all the time and effort I have put into my career goals. On top of all this, I have a collection of personal projects that have been put on hold until I at least complete the first programming project. I have always been one to create projects towards the completion of all my life goals, and I enjoy doing it.

Current Music: "On My Balcony" by Flunk and "Rainy Monday" by Shiny Toy Guns

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